Witch's Way Craft

Moss Agate Carved Capricorn Sea Goat

$117 $131

Moss Agate is a stone of new beginnings. Refreshes the soul and enables you to see beauty in all you behold. Moss Agate reduces sensitivity to weather and environmental pollutants. It attracts abundance in wealth and improves self-esteem.

It is said to encourage tranquility and emotional balance. Moss agate is the perfect stone for those who experience strong aggression or overly nurturing emotions, helping to balance male and female energies whenever they become too extreme.

Capricorn (Earth Sign): December 29 - January 19


Approximate measurements:

Weight: 525g

Length: 5.5"

Height: 4.5"


Crystals are natural and may contain natural flaws and variations. We do not refund for items with natural flaws and variations.

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